
New Baby Essentials

If you saw my last blog post (or follow along with me on social media) then you know we are expecting baby number 3 in late September!

It’s gotten me thinking about the essentials we really need, and what we have used and loved with our current two kids! I figured I would compile them into a post for you guys in case you were interested. Below is my list which includes links for all of the products [Links are gray text]! (All my own opinion, nothing is affiliate.)

1. Car seat with a base – Obviously a necessity is an infant car seat. Most of them come with a base; some require you to purchase it separately and it’s so worth it. It makes clicking the car seat in and out of the car easy, which is convenient when you have a sleepy newborn. The two I have used are from Chicco and Graco. My top pick is Chicco mainly because it was more comfortable for me when I had to carry it. Little details such as how comfortable it sits on your arm is a big deal when you have to carry a growing baby around. Both of these car seats can carry your baby up to 30lbs, which is great since kids should be rear facing for longer now:

Chicco keyfit30

Graco SnugRide 30

2. Stroller for multiple kids – When you have multiple kids, especially a new baby + a toddler, a stroller that can hold multiple kids is a must. I’ve called the Graco Ready2Grow the Cadillac of strollers. It was so awesome for when Quinn was a newborn and Jackson was a 2 yr old. There is a place for a child to sit facing forward like a regular stroller, then an upper seat facing the person pushing the stroller. You could also use this seat to click a car seat when you have a newborn. There is also a standing platform for a child to stand in the back. The one thing I will say is that it’s large, and at the time I drove a Nissan Sentra and I had to take the tray off to fit it in my trunk!

(For first baby a travel system [car seat, base and stroller set] is worth it. We used Chicco.)

3. Bassinet – There are all kinds of fancy bassinets, and I get it; anything to get baby to sleep! I have found that a simple bassinet has worked for us. When Jackson didn’t like to sleep flat we slept him in his swing until he could roll over and transitioned him straight to his crib. Quinn was fine in this bassinet until she transitioned to her crib. In my opinion the best thing for babies sleep is routine and consistency. Our favorite bassinet has been the Arm’s Reach Mini Co-Sleeper.

4. White Noise – We have always used white noise with our kids. They STILL sleep with it, and so do we now! One simple way to do this is to download a free app on an old phone or iPod. Our favorite is Relax Melodies. A sound machine is also an option! This one by Hatch is pricier but also includes a nightlight and time to rise feature (definitely comes in handy as your kids grow), and it’s all completely set and controlled from your phone. Here is an affordable simple sound machine option.

5. Swaddles and sleep sacks – Most babies are soothed and comforted by being swaddled, and it aids in longer sleep cycles too. (Jackson of course hated to be swaddled, but if I could go back I would have given it a better try to see if it improved his sleep!) As new parents, and even veteran parents, swaddling can be a challenge, which is why velcro swaddles like these can be a life saver!

The woombie is a zippered swaddle that worked great with Quinn! When our kids reached the age of rolling over and grew out of their swaddles, we always transitioned to a sleep sack so we could avoid blankets in the crib.

6. Baby Wrap – A baby wrap is something I WISH I had from the time Jackson was a newborn but I didn’t even know about them until he was a few months old. GAME CHANGER. The truth is that brand new babies are used to the comfort of the womb and being close to mom. We are told that babies need to be put down to sleep, be sleep trained, shouldn’t be rocked or nursed to sleep, etc. Sometimes the baby will NEED to be comforted or held and will only want to sleep on you. Just know that now! And it’s ok. This is why baby wraps are a complete life saver, especially if you have other kids. You can wrap your baby close, let them sleep securely and well, and be hands free. You could even sit and relax, read a book, enjoy a cup of coffee while your baby sleeps soundly on you. Not to mention the convenience of wearing the baby while you have to run errands, or go to an event like church or a picnic, etc. PLUS, the baby is on YOU, and it protects them from being touched by tons of people. My absolute favorite is the Solly Baby Wrap. Worth every penny. I had two when Quinn was a baby since I used it so much.

7. Swing – I think every baby is different when it comes to liking a swing. Jackson lived in his and even slept in his a lot. Quinn just wasn’t a fan of being put down in general so she could take or leave it, but I would say it’s an essential because there are times when you just have to put the baby down and know they are safe and entertained. I used this Fisher Price swing with Jackson and Quinn but didn’t hold up well. We used it A LOT with Jackson though so that could be why.

This 4moms rockaRoo is what I plan on getting this time around.

8. Muslin blankets – I prefer muslin blankets such as these because of how light weight, breathable and versatile they are. They are great for use in the car seat, nursing covers, as burp cloths, swaddling by themselves or under a velcro swaddle, big enough to cover a car seat when baby sleeps or your out and about. Another popular brand is Aiden & Anais and I love this indigo shibori set! I just don’t think it’s necessary to pay so much for them, honestly.

9. Bottles – I exclusively breastfed both of my kids and plan to do the same for number 3, but even still bottles are necessary for those times when dad or another caregiver have feed the baby. We need a break sometimes, moms! Plus, it can be a bonding experience for other family members and siblings.

I always used Playtex Nurser bottles with disposable liners. They were super easy and convenient to use, warming the milk in the bottle was quick and easy, but I don’t know that I’d go that route again bc is the excessive plastic use and waste. Anyone have any tips on the latest great bottles?

10. Lounger – This is a want more than a need, and not really an essential. I am thinking a Snuggle Me lounger may come in handy in those early hours of the morning like 3-4am when you’ve already been awake and the baby just wants to be near you?! Or when I have to put the baby down quick to help my bigger kids with something. Have you used it or something like it? Is it worth it? Let me know!

Extras – simple white onesies, bonnets or hats, socks, burp cloths, and pacifiers. When it comes to pacifiers I am not going to link them because in my experience it’s trial error to find one your baby likes! And lots of babies don’t take to one. A crib and a crib mattress is something you need, obviously, but in most cases the baby will sleep in your room for the first 6 months! We need to get a new crib mattress for baby number 3, so I will share which we get when the time comes!

These are my baby essentials! Feel free to comment or find me on Instagram to share your favorites or anything I missed! Have you used any of these thing?! Let me know if you love them too, or what you have loved to use with your kids!