• Spirituality

    God Isn’t Generic (pt. I)

    To start off with the idea that God isn’t generic, I want to throw out some definitions. Anyone else a fan of definitions? GENERIC: not specific; lacking imagination or individuality; predictable or unoriginal. Conversely: SPECIFIC: clearly defined or identified; precise and clear in making statements or issuing instructions. “when ordering goods be specific”; a medicine or remedy effective in treating a particular disease or part of the body; a precise detail. “he worked through the specifics of the contract.” In scripture we read that God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and that is true. His character, His nature, His goodness and His victory can be depended upon 100%…

  • Family,  Home

    Supporting Your Wife as a Stay-At-Home-Mom

    Hi friends, it’s Joe today, and I am sharing some encouragement for the husbands and fathers out there about supporting your wife as she stays home with the kids. If you are reading this and you are a stay at home mom, feel free to share this with your husband and get his thoughts as well! If you are single, here are some things you can take note of when picking a potential spouse and teammate. As some of you may know, I work outside the house.  Melissa works inside the house.  I work a 9-5.  She works a 24/7/365.  I get to leave my work behind in a separate…

  • Spirituality

    In The Waiting

    All of us are waiting for something on some scale. Maybe it’s something tangible with a defined timeline like graduating college, or closing on your house, giving birth to your baby, etc. Or, maybe it’s something more intangible and undefined like overcoming anxiety, stepping into a dream of your heart that seems to be delayed, waiting to find your spouse or for that proposal. Waiting is part of being human, and it’s not always easy or fun, but it is something God uses to grow us and prepare us for the coming season. Here is some good news: if you find yourself waiting, you can rest assured you’re in good…

  • Family,  Home

    How I Lowered Our Grocery Budget

    Happy Wednesday, friends! Today I’m talking about how we save money on our grocery budget! Joe has always been a budgeter and frugal with how we spend our money, and it has rubbed off on me over the years. For one, we have student loan debt that we are working on paying off, but we also want to make sure our money goes to things we actually truly value. And of course we are still learning and growing as we go! When it comes to food, we value feeding ourselves and our kids with wholesome foods, and I enjoy cooking “clean” meals as much as possible. As far as organic…

  • Family

    Your Questions Answered

    Last week we shared our dating story, and promised a follow up to answer any questions you had for us! It was fun to see what you guys wanted to know and share our responses. A surprising number of you were curious about baby number 3!!! So, let’s get to it…but first just imagine that you’re sitting at our kitchen table, we’re sipping our fresh brewed coffee, and we’re sharing our hearts! ☕️ Ok, here are the questions and responses: Why did joe wait to say I love you til you were engaged? J: I waited to say “I love you” because I wanted the person I married to be…

  • Family,  Fun

    Our Dating Story

    Joe and I have always been passionate about having a healthy marriage and relationship. The funny thing is that our dating story is kind of complicated, long sorted tale! Wayyyyy too much to put into writing in one blog post. Maybe one day I will do a series in parts of anyone is really interested, or we will record it in video form. But for today, I am going to share the condensed version along with 1 thing we both are thankful for and value about our dating journey, and 1 thing we both would change if we could. Leave us any questions you have after reading because we will…

  • Family,  Fun

    Meet Cute

    Happy Wednesday, friends! This week my mind is whirling with topics to discuss and share with you all, but I want to get to know each other a little better and start with the story of how Joe and I met. If you read our first post where I gave short introductions of the two of us, you may recall that we are pretty opposite of one anther in terms of personality. You may wonder how our paths crossed, and how we started dating and ended up getting married?! Well, how we met all starts with my twin sister, Erica. It was the summer of 2004, we were 17 years…

  • Family

    When Your First Baby Starts Kindergarten

    The day your first child starts kindergarten is a big day. It’s a significant transition for everyone, and comes with mixed emotions. Our son, Jackson, started kindergarten this past August and I wrote some thoughts about it. I sat down to journal a few weeks ago and these words just came out…maybe my fellow moms out there can relate. 💛 __ Five years flew right by. Whoever coined the phrase “the days are long but the years are short” uttered the most truthful words about motherhood I’ve ever heard. I can close my eyes right now and see Jackson as a newborn in my arms, staring up at me with…

  • Fun

    The First One

    Hey everyone! Welcome to our blog, and our FIRST-EVER-post! We have been wanting to start this blog for some time, and are so excited for it to finally be here! So, who are WE? We are Joe and Melissa Jacobs, a husband and wife team, and parents to two littles – a 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl. We like to think we balance each other out pretty well. If you know us personally, then you know what I am talking about. For those of you who dont know us personally just yet, here is some more about us:Joe is an introverted thinker, with a whitty sense…